How to Unclog a Double kitchen Sink with Standing water | 9 Steps

Unclogging a double kitchen sink involves removing blockages from the drain pipes of a sink with two basins. Common causes of blockages include food particles, grease, and debris. To clear blockages, one can use methods such as a plunger, drain snake, chemical drain cleaner, boiling water with baking soda and vinegar, or a combination of these.

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It’s important to ensure that the sink stoppers are open or removed and that no water or debris enters the sink while unclogging.

What Do kitchen clogs?

Kitchen sinks can become clogged due to a variety of reasons, such as:

  • Buildup of food particles, grease, and debris in the drain pipes
  • Overflow of food scraps and waste in the garbage disposal
  • Hair and soap scum accumulation in the drain pipes
  • Foreign objects accidentally dropped into the sink
  • Blockages in the sewer line or main drain
  • Tree roots growing into the drain pipes

Some kitchen sinks may be more prone to clogs based on their design, age, or maintenance habits.



What Thing you’ll need to Unclog a Double kitchen sink with Standing water?

What Thing you’ll need to Unclog a Double kitchen sink with Standing water

To unclog a double kitchen sink with standing water, you will typically need the following tools and materials:


A plunger creates suction and pressure to help remove blockages in the drain pipes.

Drain snake:

A drain snake is a long, flexible tool with a spiral end that can be inserted into the drain pipes to remove blockages.


This will be useful to catch water from the sink and dispose of it.

Rags or Towels:

These can be used to clean up any water that spills over from the sink during the unclogging process.

Baking soda and white vinegar:

A mixture of baking soda and white vinegar can help dissolve and remove blockages in the drain pipes.


To protect your hands from cleaning chemicals if using any.



9 Steps to Unclog a Double kitchen sink with Standing water?

9 Steps to Unclog a Double kitchen sink with Standing water

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to unclog a double kitchen sink with standing water:

  1. Turn off the water supply valves under the sink to prevent any water from entering the drain pipes while you’re working on them.
  1. Remove the stoppers or strainers from both sink basins and check for any visible blockages, such as food scraps or foreign objects. If you find any, remove them and set them aside.
  1. Start by using a plunger. Place the plunger over one drain and make sure the rubber cup is fully seated in the drain. Cover the other drain with a rag to create a seal and plunge the drain with a quick up-and-down motion for about a minute.
  1. If the water drains away, remove the rag and check the other drain to make sure it’s clear. If the water doesn’t drain away, proceed to step 5.
  1. If the plunger doesn’t work, use a drain snake. Insert the snake into the drain and push it through until you feel resistance, this means you’ve hit the blockage. Then rotate the handle of the snake to break up the blockage and pull out any debris.
  1. If the snake doesn’t clear the blockage, try pouring a mixture of 1/3 cup baking soda and 1/3 cup white vinegar down the drain. The mixture will fizz and help to break down any remaining blockages.
  1. Boil a pot of water, and then slowly pour the boiling water down the drain, this will help any debris to flow away.
  1. Re-assemble the stoppers or strainers, turn the water supply valves back on, and run water through the sink to make sure it drains properly.
  1. Clean up any remaining water or debris, and your sink should be unclogged now.

If none of the above methods work, you may have a blockage in the sewer line or main drain and it’s better to call a plumber for further help.



How to Prevent the Sink from Clogging

How to Prevent the Sink from Clogging

Here are a few tips to prevent a sink from clogging:

  • Use a strainer or a sink stopper to catch food scraps and other debris before they go down the drain.
  • Avoid pouring grease, oil, or fat down the drain, as they can solidify and block the pipes. Instead, let the grease cool and solidify, then dispose of it in the trash.
  • Run cold water for a few seconds before and after doing dishes, to help flush any food scraps down the drain.
  • Run hot water through the sink for a few minutes once a week to help dissolve any buildup of soap scum, grease, or other debris.
  • Regularly pour a mixture of baking soda and vinegar down the drain, followed by hot water, to help remove any buildup and freshen the pipes.
  • Incorporate a garbage disposal in the sink, it will grind the food debris and make it easy to flush down the drain.
  • Lastly, consider having your pipes professionally cleaned or inspected by a plumber if you continue to experience clogs despite following these preventative measures.

It’s worth noting that if your sink still clogs frequently despite trying all of these methods, there may be an underlying issue with your plumbing that a plumber can help to diagnose and fix.

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Why is my double kitchen sink backing up to the other side?

A double kitchen sink backing up on one side may be caused by a clog in the drain pipes. The clog could be located in the P-trap, which is a U-shaped pipe that is located under the sink, or it could be further down the drain line.

Grease, food particles, and other debris can build up in the pipes over time, causing a blockage. Other possible causes include a damaged or malfunctioning vent, a blockage in the sewer line, or a problem with the septic system.

If you have a garbage disposal and the clog is caused by debris build-up, clear it out and restart disposal.

What do plumbers use to unblock sinks?

Plumbers have a variety of tools and techniques they can use to unblock sinks and clear clogs in drain pipes. Some of the most common tools and methods include:

Plunger: A plunger is a simple tool that uses suction to clear blockages in the P-trap or the drain line.

Drain snake: A drain snake, also called a plumbing auger, is a long, flexible cable with a spiral or coiled end that is inserted into the drain to break up and clear blockages.

Hydro jet: A Hydro jet is a powerful cleaning tool that uses a high-pressure stream of water to remove blockages and clear the pipes.

Chemical drain cleaner: A chemical drain cleaner is a solution that is poured into the drain to break down and dissolve clogs.

Manual removal: Plumber might use a mirror and a pair of pliers to physically remove clogs or debris from the pipes.

It all depends on the location and the nature of the blockage. More severe blockage might require specialized tools, techniques or even excavation in some cases.

What dissolves a blocked sink?

A blocked sink can be dissolved using a plunger, a drain snake, or a combination of baking soda and vinegar. A chemical drain cleaner can also be used, but these should be used with caution as they can be caustic and may damage pipes if not used properly.

In some cases, a blocked sink may require the services of a plumber to fix the problem.

What is the most powerful drain Unclogger?

The most powerful drain unclogger will depend on the specific circumstances of the blockage. In general, mechanical methods such as a drain snake or a hydro jet are typically more powerful than chemical drain cleaners.

Does salt unblock drains?

Salt can be used to help unblock drains, although it is not a standalone solution. Salt can be used in combination with other methods to help break up and dissolve blockages.

One common method is to mix salt and baking soda together and pour it down the drain, followed by boiling water. The salt and baking soda can help break up the blockage, while the hot water can help flush it away. This method can be effective for minor blockages caused by grease or soap scum.

What is the best chemical to use to unclog a drain?

There are a variety of chemicals that can be used to unclog a drain, but the best one to use depends on the specific circumstances. Some commonly used drain cleaning chemicals include sodium hydroxide (also known as lye or caustic soda), sulfuric acid, and hydrochloric acid.

Each of these chemicals can be effective at dissolving different types of clogs, but they should be used with caution because they can be dangerous if not handled properly. It’s always recommended to wear protective gear and carefully follow the safety instructions and usage guidelines on the product label.




If you have a double kitchen sink that is clogged and has standing water, there are a few things you can try to unclog it.One method is to use a plunger to try and loosen the blockage. You should place the plunger over the drain and then push and pull it vigorously to create suction and pressure that can help break up the clog.

Another option is using a drain snake, it’s long, flexible tool that can help you reach and remove blockages deep in the pipes. Another option is pouring a mixture of baking soda and vinegar down the drain, then following it with boiling water.

This can help to break up and dissolve grease and other organic matter that may be causing the clog. If none of these methods work, you may need to call a plumber to inspect the problem and determine the best course of action to take.


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