How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in kitchen Cabinets | 5 Easy Steps

Cockroaches can be a nuisance in the kitchen, where food is stored. However, there are ways to eliminate them without using harmful chemicals. Some options include DIY solutions and store-bought products for targeting cockroaches in cabinets, under the sink, and in cracks and crevices.

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These methods can also be used to get rid of ants on kitchen counters. Here, we will discuss how to effectively Get Rid of cockroaches in kitchen cabinets.

Is it normal to have Cockroaches in your kitchen?

No, it is not normal to have cockroaches in your kitchen. Cockroaches can carry disease and can also cause allergies. If you have a cockroach infestation, it is important to take steps to eliminate them and to keep them from returning.

This can include cleaning and sanitizing your kitchen, sealing cracks and gaps in walls and floors, and using traps or pesticides. It is also important to identify and eliminate the source of the infestation.



Why Are Cockroaches In My Cabinets?

Cockroaches may be in your kitchen cabinets for a variety of reasons. Some possible causes include:

Food sources:

Cockroaches are attracted to food and can often be found in areas where food is stored or prepared. If your kitchen cabinets contain food items, this may be attracting cockroaches.


Cockroaches need moisture to survive, so if your kitchen cabinets are located in a damp or humid area, this may be providing the ideal environment for cockroaches to thrive.

Lack of sanitation:

Cockroaches are attracted to dirty and cluttered areas, so if your kitchen cabinets are not kept clean and organized, this may be attracting cockroaches.

Access points:

Cockroaches can enter your home through small cracks and crevices. If your kitchen cabinets have gaps or holes, this may be providing cockroaches with a way to enter your home.

Nearby infestation:

Cockroaches can also travel from nearby infestations to your home. If you have cockroaches in neighboring units or surrounding buildings, they may be entering your home.

Dangers of Having cockroaches in kitchen cabinets

  • Cockroaches can carry and spread diseases such as salmonella and E. coli.
  • They can also cause allergic reactions in some individuals.
  • Cockroaches can contaminate food and kitchen surfaces with their droppings, saliva, and body parts.
  • They can also cause damage to the structure of the kitchen cabinets.
  • Cockroaches can cause odors and attract other pests.
  • They reproduce quickly and can be difficult to control once they establish a colony



How to Get Rid of Cockroaches in kitchen Cabinets

There are several steps you can take to get rid of cockroaches in your kitchen cabinets:

Clean and sanitize your kitchen cabinets:

Thoroughly clean and sanitize your kitchen cabinets, including the interior and exterior surfaces, to remove any food debris or other attractants that may be drawing cockroaches.

To clean and sanitize your kitchen cabinets, you can follow these steps:

Empty the cabinets:

Remove all items from the cabinets, including dishes, food, and any other items that may be stored there.

Clean the surfaces:

Use a mild detergent and warm water to clean the interior and exterior surfaces of the cabinets. Scrub any areas that have visible grease or food residue.

Rinse and dry:

Rinse the cabinets with clean water and dry them completely with a clean cloth.


Use a solution of 1 tablespoon of chlorine bleach per gallon of water to sanitize the cabinets. Spray or wipe the solution onto the surfaces and allow it to sit for at least 10 minutes. Rinse with clean water and dry the surfaces with a clean cloth.

Clean the hardware:

Clean any knobs, handles, or other hardware on the cabinets with a solution of warm water and mild detergent. Rinse and dry them completely.


Once the cabinets are clean and dry, you can put the items back in and reorganize them.

Eliminate sources of food and moisture:

Make sure to store food in airtight containers, keep the kitchen clean and dry, and repair any leaks or other sources of moisture that may be providing an environment suitable for cockroaches.

To eliminate sources of food and moisture in your kitchen cabinets, you can take the following steps:

Store food properly:

Keep all food, including dry goods, in airtight containers or in the refrigerator. This will prevent cockroaches from having easy access to food sources.

Clean up spills and crumbs:

Regularly wipe down the inside and outside of your cabinets, paying special attention to corners and crevices, to remove any spills or crumbs that could attract cockroaches.

Keep the kitchen clean:

Wash dishes, wipe down counters, and sweep the floor regularly to keep the kitchen clean and reduce food sources for cockroaches.

Repair leaks:

Fix any leaks in the kitchen, such as from the sink or dishwasher, to eliminate sources of moisture that could attract cockroaches.

Keep trash sealed:

Keep trash cans sealed and take out trash frequently to reduce odors that could attract cockroaches.

Consider using a dehumidifier:

If you have a moisture problem in your kitchen or your home, consider using a dehumidifier to keep the humidity levels low.

Seal any cracks or crevices:

Cockroaches can enter your home through small openings, so it’s important to seal any cracks or crevices around your kitchen cabinets and other areas in your home.

To seal any cracks or crevices in your kitchen cabinets, you can use the following methods:


Use a caulking gun to seal any gaps or cracks around the edges of the cabinets, around the sink, and around any other areas where cockroaches may be entering your home.


Use weatherstripping tape or door sweeps to seal any gaps or cracks around the cabinet doors.

Steel wool:

Stuff steel wool into any small openings or cracks to prevent cockroaches from entering.


Install screens on windows and vents to prevent cockroaches from entering your home. Keep an eye for any new cracks or crevices and seal them as soon as they appear.

Use pesticides:

Chemical pesticides can be used to kill cockroaches, but it’s important to use them with caution and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. You can also use natural alternatives like boric acid, diatomaceous earth, or neem oil.

Using pesticides can be an effective way to kill cockroaches and prevent infestations.

Chemical pesticides:

There are various chemical pesticides available on the market that are specifically designed to kill cockroaches. These can include sprays, baits, and dust. It’s important to read the label and follow the instructions carefully to ensure safe and effective use.

Natural alternatives:

If you prefer not to use chemical pesticides, there are natural alternatives that can be effective in killing cockroaches. These can include boric acid, diatomaceous earth, and neem oil. Boric acid can be made into a paste and applied to areas where cockroaches are seen, Diatomaceous earth can be dusted in cracks and crevices to dehydrate and kill cockroaches, Neem oil can be used as a spray and repel cockroaches.

Call a professional exterminator:

If the infestation is severe, consider hiring a professional exterminator to eliminate the cockroaches and prevent them from returning. They have the knowledge, experience, and tools needed to effectively eliminate cockroaches and can help identify and address any underlying issues that may be contributing to the infestation.

When hiring a professional exterminator, it’s important to:

Research different companies:

Look for a reputable and experienced exterminator in your area. Read reviews and ask for references to ensure that the company has a good track record.

Ask for an inspection:

A professional exterminator will typically begin by conducting an inspection of your home to identify the source of the infestation and determine the best course of action.

Discuss treatment options:

The exterminator will discuss different treatment options with you and help you choose the best one for your situation. This may include using pesticides, baits, or other methods to eliminate the cockroaches.

Follow up:

A professional exterminator will typically return to your home for follow-up visits to ensure that the cockroaches have been eliminated and to check for any new activity.

Ask questions:

Don’t hesitate to ask the exterminator any questions you may have about the process and the products they use.

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What is a Natural Cockroach Repellent?

There are several natural cockroach repellents that can be used to deter cockroaches from entering your home. Some popular options include:

Peppermint oil:

Cockroaches are said to dislike the smell of peppermint, so applying a few drops of peppermint oil to areas where cockroaches are commonly found can help keep them away.

Bay leaves:

Placing bay leaves in areas where cockroaches are commonly found can also help deter them, as they dislike the smell of these leaves.

Boric acid:

Boric acid is a natural substance that can be used as a cockroach repellent. It can be applied as a powder or mixed with other substances such as sugar or jelly to make bait.


Cucumber peel can also be used as a natural cockroach repellent. The smell of cucumber repels cockroaches and can be placed near entry points.

It is important to note that no single method will be effective in all situations, so it may take a combination of different repellents to effectively keep cockroaches away.




What smells keep roaches away?

Certain strong smells, such as peppermint, bay leaves, and cedar, can repel cockroaches. Some people also use essential oils, like eucalyptus or lemongrass, as a natural way to keep cockroaches away. However, it is important to note that while certain smells may repel cockroaches, they will not necessarily eliminate an infestation.

A combination of preventative measures, such as sealing entry points, cleaning regularly, and using roach baits or traps, is often needed to effectively control a cockroach infestation.

What kills cockroaches instantly?

Boric acid and diatomaceous earth are two common substances that can kill cockroaches instantly. Boric acid works by dehydrating the cockroach, while diatomaceous earth causes the cockroach to lose its waxy coating and dry out.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that cockroaches can develop resistance to certain chemicals over time, so it may be necessary to use a combination of methods to effectively eliminate them.

Additionally, it’s important to remember that these products should be used with caution and in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions, as they can also be harmful to humans and pets if misused.

Can Dettol prevent cockroaches?

Dettol is a brand of cleaning and disinfectant products, and while it may have some insecticidal properties, it is not specifically marketed as a cockroach repellent or killer. It is recommended to use cockroach baits or professional pest control services to effectively eliminate cockroaches from a home or building.

Does vinegar keep roaches away?

Vinegar is a natural repellent that may help to keep cockroaches away. The strong smell of vinegar can repel cockroaches and disrupt their sense of smell, making it harder for them to locate food sources. However, this method is not guaranteed to completely eliminate a cockroach infestation and it may only provide temporary relief.

To effectively get rid of cockroaches, it is recommended to use cockroach baits or professional pest control services.

Does killing a cockroach attract more?

Killing a cockroach alone will not necessarily attract more cockroaches to the area. However, if the dead cockroach is not cleaned up, it can attract other cockroaches to the area due to the smell of its pheromones.

Additionally, if the cockroach infestation is not addressed, more cockroaches will continue to come into the area. It is important to identify and eliminate the source of the infestation in order to effectively get rid of cockroaches.

What are cockroaches afraid of?

Cockroaches are not particularly afraid of anything, but they do have certain dislikes and avoidance behaviors. Some things that can repel cockroaches include:

  • Strong smells, such as peppermint, bay leaves, and citrus.
  • Certain essential oils, like eucalyptus and tea tree oil.
  • Boric acid, diatomaceous earth, and other powdery substances can be abrasive to their exoskeleton and deter them.
  • Artificial light, UV light.
  • Cleanliness, as cockroaches prefer dirty and cluttered environments.

What oil kills roaches?

Essential oils, such as peppermint oil and cypress oil, can be effective at repelling and killing cockroaches. However, it is important to note that these oils should not be used directly on the cockroaches, as they can be harmful to humans and pets if ingested. Instead, they can be used in a spray or diffuser to create a barrier that will keep cockroaches away.

It’s always a good idea to use caution when using any chemical or oil-based products, and to follow the instructions on the label.

Does toothpaste get rid of roaches?

Toothpaste is not an effective method for getting rid of cockroaches. While it may mask the smell of food that attracts cockroaches, it will not kill them or repel them. Cockroaches are best controlled through the use of professional pest control methods or through the use of baits and insecticides specifically designed to target cockroaches.

How does baking soda and onions get rid of roaches?

Baking soda and onions are not scientifically proven to be effective in getting rid of cockroaches. While some people may claim that a mixture of baking soda and onion can repel or kill cockroaches, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims.

Cockroaches are best controlled through the use of professional pest control methods or through the use of baits and insecticides specifically designed to target cockroaches.

What eats a cockroach?

Cockroaches are eaten by a variety of animals including birds, mammals, lizards, and other insects. Some examples include geckos, praying mantises, and spiders. Additionally, some species of ants are known to hunt and eat cockroaches.

Can cockroaches bite?

Cockroaches are capable of biting, but it is not a common behavior. They are more likely to cause a problem by contaminating food or spreading disease. However, some species of cockroaches have been known to bite humans, particularly when their population is high or when they are forced to search for food in areas where it is scarce.


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