Taco Spaghetti Bake

Try something different for dinner with the Taco Spaghetti Bake instead of plain old spaghetti. There are strong tastes from Mexican tacos and basic comfort foods like spaghetti from Italy in this dish. It will become a family favorite.

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The Story: It was a cold night, and my family was looking for something nice and spicy. That’s when we found this wonderful product. The first bite was like going on a trip: the comfortable familiarity of spaghetti mixed with the spicy charm of taco ingredients. Everyone agreed that Taco Spaghetti Bake would become a regular part of our dinner routine. Every serve now brings back memories of that wonderful food find.

Ingredients for Taco Spaghetti Bake

  • 1 pound of lean ground beef
  • Cut up 8 ounces of Velveeta cheese.
  • 1 ounce of taco sauce
  • 10 oz. can of green peppers and diced tomatoes (keep the juice)
  • Cream of chicken soup from a 10.5-ounce can
  • 1.5 cups of cheddar cheese shreds
  • 8 ounces of spaghetti
  • 2/3 cup of water

Instructions for Taco Spaghetti Bake

Get the oven hot, about 350ºF.

Before setting aside, boil the pasta until it reaches an al dente texture.

Brown the ground beef by sautéing it in a pan. Return the skillet to the stovetop after removing any extra fat.

Add the chicken soup, Velveeta cubes, diced tomatoes, water, taco seasoning, and tomato juice. Stir to combine. As the cheese melts, continue swirling until the ingredients are well combined.

Make sure the spaghetti is properly coated before adding it to the mixture.

Layer grated cheddar on top of the spicy spaghetti mixture in a baking dish.

In around 25 to 30 minutes, or when you see the edges becoming a lovely golden color, the cheese should be melted and bubbling.

Add toppings according to your preference.

After taking it out of the oven, allow it to cool for a while before diving into the Taco Spaghetti Bake!

Note to end:

This dish has a lot of different tastes that come together in every bite. That’s why this Taco Spaghetti Bake will be the star of the meal, whether it’s a normal afternoon or a special event. Don’t wait; make this fusion treat tonight and let your kitchen fill with the smell of it!

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