W-W Chicken Alfredo Wrap Rolls

Each piece is 6 points

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. Chicken Alfredo wrap rolls The filling: 2 finely diced chicken breasts (cooked) Steamed broccoli (chopped, 10-12oz bag) 1/4 c crumbled bacon 1/2 c reduced fat mozz 1 cup FF cottage cheese Seasonings to taste

..Rolled this into Lavash wraps, cut, topped w/ 1 jar (Classico) Alfredo sauce. Seasoned. Sprinkled an addl 1/2 c reduced fat mozz. 380 for 25 mins. Enjoy

More Chicken Recipe HERE…

Chicken sticks
1 medium can of canned chicken breast ( drained and break apart with a fork – 3 pts for the whole can )
1/2 – 1 cup ff cheddar cheese ( 2 pts for 1 cup )
1 egg -0 pts
Season to taste
Mix all together
Then form into chicken fingers
Spray tray generously with Pam then spray chicken – air fry for 15 mins at 380-400 on one side , flip and cook another 5 mins or until brown

It came out to 5 points for 9 sticks – I can’t eat 9 – so it’s 2 meals !

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